I don't do recaps of So You Think You Can Dance
regularly because, frankly, I just don't know enough about dance. At least with American Idol, I feel like I know
something about music, and can actually distinguish good v. bad instead of just "I liked it" v. "I didn't like it."
Anyhoo, tonight was top 12, and I had some time to kill, so I'm going to blog about it. Also, I've noticed my counter has been decreasing ever since AI ended. I'm guessing that you all aren't quite the Kris Allen
stalkers nuts that I am. (I love him. Seriously. Help me.)
This is the last week that the "official" couples dance together, so I'll just go in order:
Ade and Melissa
They have the best chemistry. Is it the mocha thing? The Hostess cupcake? I think it has something to do with the fact that Ade is the most physically strong guy in the competition -- and that translates perfectly with the ballerina in group. I've seen ballet up close (performing in the pit), and the dudes have to be ridick to do what they do. Short of that, Ade is the next best thing. He's got the most to lose by the pair splitting.
Kayla and KuponoYeah, this is shallow, but I FRIGGIN HATE HOW KUPONO TALKS. Just kick him off right now so he never has to be interviewed again. I feel bad for Kayla. I can't take my eyes off her. Her stuff in the Mia Michaels contemporary piece about Addiction made my skin tingle. I might not understand dance, but I'm not an idiot who talks like Kupono either. Kupono's gone. I hope.
Jason and CaitlinThe judges just sandbagged this couple, and they are so in the bottom three. On the plus side, Jason took his shirt off. Yup. He did. He took his shirt off. And I'm back. Golly he's a pretty, pretty man. I'm sure Caitlin's a nice girl and all, but she's got the personality of Kupono's speech.
Philip and JeanineSadly, I don't think that Philip is the b-boy that the show wants him to be. He's probably the most telegenic popper the show has ever had. Popping never seems to translate on screen for me, but Philip does it so well, that I get it. But Philip can't handle the different dances. Jeanine on the other hand is a star. Although I think that Kayla is the prima donna, I think Jeanine is a
star. The difference for me is that I want to see Kayla dance, but I want to see Jeanine perform.
Randi and Evan
Oh, Evan. You are the flipside of Philip. You're not growing either. And you are stuck with that Droopy Dog face, and that button body. You're a character, but not a lead. He needs his Sideways-vis-a-vis-Paul-Giamatti, and I worry that time is running out. Mia called Randi fat on national tellie. I liked the blue-eyed hip hop that they did tonight. That loop thing Evan did with his hands? Hott.
Brandon and JanetteThere is something about Brandon that I find so disingenuous. He's the technically most proficient male dancer... and I think he knows it. But that's spelled doom for past contestants who are so clearly better than everyone else (that dude from season 1, and that black dude who was brother's with that white dude who lost to Benji). So I think that he's trying to act humble, but it's just reading as fake. His story is completely overwhelming Janette, too, which sucks because I didn't realize that she's actually a ballroom dancer. More than anyone, she's transcended genres, but that's not coming out. Sure, their Tango and their Jazz routines were a-mah-zing tonight, but I sort of hate them for that. Yup, petty. But I've never claimed otherwise.
The bottom three couples:
Jason and Caitlin
Philip and Jeanine
Kayla and Kupono (although Randi and Evan should be here)
Caitlin and Kupono will go home.
My favorite girls: Kayla, Melissa, and Jeanine, in that order.
My favorite guys: Jason . . . . He's so pretty.