Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Even Though Christmas Is Over, I Want These Things:

1. I didn't think Snuggies were worth it, until NOW.

2. Best Week Ever pointed this out to me. They are making fun of the products, but somehow, I actually think this would be useful:

Obviously, not as earthshattering as #2 or #4 on that list, but close.

3. And not something I still want, but Jim Cantiello of MTV (whom I adore because he's insane, does the best American Idol recaps this side of Michael Slezak, and unabashedly stalks loves Kris Allen like I do) wished for this this past Christmas. I can proudly say, I had it

Hey, if Jim is going to point out how he gets to hang out with Kris all the time, then I'm going to point out that Santa thought I was a better kid than Jim growing up. I don't think Santa could see inner pettiness back then. Eat my shorts, Jim.

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