Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This. Is. American. Idol. SEASON 9 (i.e. the last season worth anything).

Because by now everyone knows that this is Simon's last season of AI.  Although I hated how last season too much focus was on the judges, I really meant that too much focus was on Paula, Randy, and whats-her-name with the buckteeth, hot bod, and "sweetie" complex.  The show without Simon is just... America's Got Talent.
FYI, my computer blew up a couple days ago, so blogging is going to be difficult for the time being.  I've got a couple posts in the pipeline already scheduled to post over the next few days, but as for au courant commentary (because I know that's what you all really want, and not mere Kris Allen adulation), we'll be a bit touch-and-go until I get a Mac.  I'm not waiting for a iSlate or iTablet or whatever they're calling it, but I am just waiting to see if they are going to upgrade any of the Pros on January 26.
Speaking of Kris Allen, I mean, AI9, the first round of auditions took place last night in Boston (woot!).  Here's my quick take:
  • No one really impressed me.
  • The girl from Billerica pronounced the "e" in the middle.  Wow.  Shibboleth alert!!!
  • Yeah, we have Codzilla, so what?
  • Justin Williams might have moved to SLC and beaten cancer... but we've seen him before.  He was in White Chocolate, which was the group that Matt Giraud and Kris Allen were in during the group performances last season in Hollywood.  He wasn't good then, and he isn't good now.  Kris's sweater during that perf, on the other hand?  To die for.  (Seriously, I wrote in to EW's style watch for help finding it... no dice.)
  • There's got to be more botulism in Posh's face than in a bag of spinach.  Egads.
  • Kris Allen's new Ford commercial doesn't make me want to buy a new Ford, but it does make me want to hug Kris Allen.
  • It's probably just me, but every single contestant shown last night have f---ed up teeth.
  • Okay, I lied.  There is one dude who I remembered -- the lanky Jim Morrison dude who broke his wrists.  Funny dude.


Unknown said...

Glad Kris blew up so much. I like his style, reminds me of my favorite artist, David Homyk ( for all those who dont know.)

I wish they would go on tour together sometime.

hohupjoon said...

Nice usage of the word shibboleth.