Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Many Internet Personae.

One of the problems with being old in internet years is that some of my current email addresses and AIM screennames are based off of words that I thought were, you know, cute and cuddly in middle school. It's a little embarrassing to have to tell customer service reps my email address to verify my identity. (HYPO: Them: And can I have your email address that we have on file for verification? Me: My email? Um, it's Yes, that's w - u - d, right, d as in doggie, another d...)

See, for random arms length business stuff, I give out my crap email address so that the huge amounts of spam that I will inevitably get from their "privately" providing my addy to various solicitation mailing lists won't ruin my everyday emailing. I have a separate email for friends, family, and other important people relationships -- like my employer. And then I have my work email which is for strictly professional communication.

Finally, I've had enough. I created a new email account hosted by yahoo. I can't use gmail because I want it to be a relatively straightforward variation on my name so that service reps won't have a hard time understanding me, and my friends/family email is already, you guessed, a straightforward variation of my name on gmail. The problem is, yahoo has been around for such a long time that any variations I tried were taken. (Meh... it comes with having a fairly simple Asian name. I'm used to it. Makes searching for me on facebook an endeavor worthy of only the noblest of hearts.)

But, yahoo offers other addresses. First, I could do I think that's a terrible idea. I think that gmail is go common, that lots of idiots, I mean, nice customer reps will assume that a "y" is really supposed to be a "g" and then you won't get that one email that says that your credit card bill is ready to be paid. The other choice -- which I went with -- is...

Unsurprisingly, virtually all my variations were available. I can't tell yet whether this is any better than snufflesmcpickapocket@yahoo. Sigh.

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