Sunday, February 7, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering.

The Colts are this year's Super Bowl champions . . . in Haiti. (And yes, somewhere in Nicaragua, the Patriots were 19-0 in 2008.)

Also, I was channel surfing and caught some of Ice Age. Why is it that animals of different species can communicate with each other, but humans can't? If we're so superior, I feel like we should be able to speak sloth and dodo, too.

My friend Sara pointed out the weird coincidence that Ryan Bingham is both the name of the songwriter of "The Weary Kind" from Crazy Heart (which is an amazing song, btws, as are the songs that Colin sings, but I digress -- no seriously, Irish can sang) AND the name of George Clooney's character in Up in the Air, which in my opinion is the best movie of 2009.

Last but definitely not least. In honor of the Winter Games starting up this week (go Yuna!),the best Olympics ever:

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