Monday, May 17, 2010

Apparently, They Keep Making These Things Called "Movies." And I Keep Watching Them. Or At Least Having Opinions About Them.

1. Truth be told, Easy A the movie looks terrible. A teen Scarlet Letter? Isn't that, like, an oxy moron? Still, the teaser trailer for it might be one of the best teasers I've seen in a long, long time:

2. Is it okay if I admit that I didn't like The Dark Crystal? I adore the Muppets and Labyrinth, but come on peeps, rose-colored glasses much with TDC? So, "highly anticipated" sequel? Meh.

3. Oh Colin. I love you. Even if it took some people a long time to come around. I've always known you are an awesome actor. And I get the desire to broaden your horizons -- so a romcom? Okay. But a sidekick in a romcom? B____, please. You're better than that. Why not do what you're doing with the whole vampire craze, and be the lead hot thing? That's way more worth your time. (Side note: Fright Night freaked the f___ out of me growing up. Dude. I was six when I saw it.) To conclude, I can't wait for Ondine, which you can apparently already view on demand -- uh, that's weird. Because it's not even in theaters yet.

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