Thursday, June 24, 2010

Subway Is Apparently Uniquely American.

Tonight for dinner, I was standing behind two French tourists at Subway.  It occurred to me that Subway had got to be one of the most confusing fast food places for foreigners.  Sure, it looks like a fast food joint, but nothing about it is intuitive.  And if you didn't study your English vocab for wheat, oat, Italian, flatbread, pepperjack, provolone, cucumber, lettuce, etc. you're screwed.
Also, I don't think the tourists realized that they were supposed to pay for the drink fountain and the chips on display.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Phlegm. Flem. Boo.

I know that the 8 of you that still read this thing have been wondering what happened to me. No, I haven't been stomping around any Land of Milk and Honey. Instead, I've been sick. Dealing with some weird mild-flu. I know it's not much, but here's some joy to tie you and me over:

Super Mario!!!

Asian people are so awesome.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Take It Back.

This is the EPICest.


Monday, June 7, 2010

I've Been Delinquent With the Posting.

This video is EPIC:

This video is EPICer:

This video is EPICerer:

And lastly, I would embed these vids, but the full post does better justice to the glory that is Paul Rudd dancing. It brings me joy.