Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where's the Ding Ding Ding?

Frankly, the only reason I watch America's Next Top Model anymore is for the final montage after the last episode when the winner is announced, and that collage of photos of the contestants right after they got their makeovers starts deleting the losers in order one by one. And then the winner's photo is the last one standing, and the soundtrack goes "dih dih dih dih dih dih." Seriously. 13 weeks for that.

And they didn't do this time.

And Tyra looked possessed. By Elvira. And not on Halloween.

EDIT: I totally found it on the web. The fade out song is called "Free for All" by Nick Nolan. Here's an example of the end of a season when Jaslene won:

And here's the entire song, set to clips of Tyra et al. being nutso:

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