Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting Older.

Last night, at my local Sweet Green, I got some frozen yogurt. When I was deciding what toppings to have, the cashiers told me that mango was particularly popular that night. Then they starting just chatting a bit between themselves while I considered my options a bit more. One of them mentioned that mango made her think of Saturday Night Live, and the other looked puzzled. Here's what happened next:

Cashier #1 [to Cashier #2]: You know, Chris Kattan?

Cashier #2: Huh?

Cashier #1: Oh, you're too young to know what I'm talking about.

Cashier #2 walks away in that Yes-I-Am kind of way that young peeps do.

Cashier #1 [turning to me]: You know what I'm talking about, right?


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