Thursday, July 8, 2010

Terrible Music.

I need help. I find myself weakening to the power of the Biebs. Someone stop me before it's too late.

Look, I've never claimed to have good taste in music. I find it a source of pride that I bought Justin Timberlake's first solo album AND Nick Carter's solo album. At the same time, I know the difference between good and bad music. I just choose bad music.

But dear Lord, even I'm tested by some of the stuff out right now. Some, yeah, I can resist. Like, I don't own any Katy Perry stuff. I also don't own any Miley Cyrus twaddle (although I'm weakening to Party in the USA everyday). Yes, I own one Ke$ha song (Love Is My Drug). Shoot me.

So this mea culpa here has to do with the fact that: I don't have any Justin Bieber, but oh man, I'm ready to dl some lesbian tween diddies. Come on people! His crap is so friggin' catchy! And I might as well take advantage of his stuff before his voice changes. We all know that Hanson just isn't the same as it once was. (And I love me some Mmm Bop).

I needed to get that off my chest. But one thing you can all be safe and secure in knowing is this: Imma Be is just dung from Satan's backyard. Shame on you Black Eyed Peas. And shame on you world for supporting that song.

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