Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Melbourne.

Again, I wish I could post photos as I go along. My travel companion and I have a weird sense of humor when it comes to what we want to document. For example, we went to the Fitzroy Gardens, and although we took pictures of the Faery Tree and other tourist crap, we were especially jazzed about finding the Asian Christian Siriano. Be ready.

So I travelled halfway across the world to eat some plum cake, and the bakery was sold out. Instead I had to eat chocolate kuglhupf. I hate it when that happens.

I've been watching a lot of Olympics in my downtime. On one hand, it's awesome because Australia can watch things in Beijing live without destroying your sleep cycle. On the other hand, it's terrible. Aussies excel at sports that I just don't want to see. I mean, in racewalking, if someone passes you, how does your natural instinct not just scream "RUN PAST HIM FOR PETE'S SAKE. RUN."

And Peter, yup, the 1500m was an event. I was at an Aussie Rules Football League game, and 30 minutes prior to the start, everyone was crowded around the TVs watching Grant Hackett lose. It's funny to watch. I don't think they appreciate being filmed like koalas. It's ok, though. Koalas are cute.

1 comment:

exetimbo said...

I miss you Andy!!! Have fun over there. :-)