Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Commenting on Life.

1. Nighthawk's is already melancholy-ful. But this background fact kind of makes it even more so.

2. What idiot goes to college, majors in "Recreation and Leisure," and thinks they are going to be able to get a high-paying job? I pray that the example given of an Art major is what they were thinking of for this. But what else is there? Why not just say Art majors are going to grow up to be destitute? [Via Gawker.]

3. I haven't yet given up on Michael Cera. Especially when he can banter with the best of them:
SCHWARTZMAN: You know what I mean? It’s literally like, “Please be there, idea!” Not to be cheesy, but that is the real power of music, movies, art, or anything—it’s the hope that people will connect to it. And that’s what’s great about your success. You’ve made work that connects to millions of people. You have the rare ability to take something and turn it and flip it and make it into something great. It’s because you have an inquisitive mind and you are endlessly looking for something new. When I watch your work, I feel like I’m getting a philosophical mix tape of all the things that you’re interested in.

CERA: You just lost 80 percent of the people that were reading this article. They all just rolled their eyes and ripped up the page.

4. Despite what people say, I still think The Simpsons is pretty awesome. It's not as awesome as it once was, but it used to be SO awesome that its present-day awesomeness still registers on the awesome scale. To wit, some nerd found this and remembered that Lisa Simpson almost got married recently.

5. Yes, it is. For exactly the reasons stated therein. The counterarguments is rationalization wrapped up in a post-PC red herring cloak. Deal with it, Hollywood, you still treat Asians as a "forgotten" race. (I still love you though!)

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