Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fall Movies 2010

The latest EW has the Fall Movie Preview for 2010.  Whoopee!  I love reading about the movies that I won't have time to see in the theaters and then watch on Netflix a year after everyone else has seen it.  Sigh.  Maybe, just maybe, this time will be different.  Upwards and onwards, I can always hope.


  1. Never Let Me Go.  Kazuo Ishiguro's Remains of the Day is one of my favorite novels of all time.  I read When We Were Orphans (I think?) and I can't remember a damn thing about it.  So, yeah, as much as I loved ROTD, I'm not a huge Ishiguro fan.  Despite that, I've been hearing amazing things about the book for NLMG (including the spoiler twist, sadly), and the cast looks amazing.  Say what you will, I like Keira Knightley (girl needs to eat some burgers or five though), and Andrew Garfield (the new Spider-Man) was one of the few good things about The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (Colin!).  So I'm looking forward to this little filmy a bit, yessiree.
  2. Easy A.  The trailer was awesome.  (Then again, the trailer for Pearl Harbor was, too.)
  3. Buried.  I like gimmicky B-movies, and nothing screams that more than this one with Ryan Reynolds stuck in a coffin.  It's a tall order to call it Hitchcockian (at least, insofar as the movie posters are concerned), but maybe it'll be good, in a Phone Booth / Rope kind of way?
  4. Devil.  I told you, I like gimmicky B-movies.
  1. Hereafter.  This is my obligatory I hear Matt Damon movie!
  2. RED.  Come on.  Cocoon with guns!  You can just imagine that that was the pitch, too.  But, man, I'm totally sold.
[Editor's note: Wow, October is looking wee---hhheeeeak this year.]

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I.  It's sad that this is almost the end of the series.  At the same time, I'm not one of those people that want to drag it out as long as possible.  As much as I like the movies, I love the books way more.  It saddened me when I learned that they were splitting the final book into two.  Yes, it's a huge tome, but at the end of the day, the quality of movie adaptations generally increases the less bound to the original the film is.  The best movies of the serious (Azkaban, Phoenix) heavily edited their sources.  I worry that in an effort to capitalize on one of the last guaranteed moneymakers in Hollywood that the filmmakers will end on the same Christopher Columbus rote-note they began on.
  2. Morning Glory.  Rachel McAdams needs to be in more movies.
  3. 127 Hours.  I went to law school with Aron Ralston's sister.
  4. Burlesque.  Christina Aguilera.  Cher.  Singing.  Dancing.  Kristen Bell (finally in a post-Veronica Mars role that doesn't make me want to punch her in the face).  Cam Gigandet.  Shirtless.  How can I not want to see the gayest movie this year?  
  1. Black Swan.  Ooh.  I wonder if Darren Aronovsky thought he was going to make the gayest movie of the year when he started this movie about ballerinas and intrigue.  Sucka.
  2. TRON: Legacy.  The original, which I heard is terrible, is on my Netflix queue.  Still, I'm a huge nerd.  So I want to see this.
Overall, I gotta say, I'm kinda underwhelmed by the Oscar season offerings this year.  Bet the Academy is wishing it didn't expand the Best Picture field to 10 last year.  Laws, yes (yeah, I just finished reading The Stand, and I don't know yet how I feel about the ending -- I like saying "laws, yes" though).

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