Wednesday, May 7, 2008

American Idol Top 4: Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame

This was a pretty cool theme overall. Pretty pleased about that. But I'm getting tired of this season already. No one excites me. No one makes me want to come back for me. And I don't think that anyone this season did that for me. There's no Blake Lewis, no Chris Daughtry, no Anthony Fedorov, no Fantasia, no K.Lo, and no Tamyra. I'd agree with the judges that this season overall had the best singers--I thought everyone starting at about the, oh, top 9 or so were solid. That's different from other seasons, where you usually had to wait until the top 4 or top 5 until you really saw the true contenders. But this season, I don't see any one true star that I can get behind.

I actually liked Jason Castro. I think the judges were just punishing him for telling the truth, because he didn't really do anything different than he usually does. He was laid back, chill, and had a cool vibe going. The judges liked it before, but now are ready to throw him under the bus.

Which is where Syesha should go. It's dawning on everyone now that she's a stage star, not a recording star. There is a difference, and personally, I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. If anything, stage acts are cooler. It has nothing to do with her being fake, but it has everything to do with the fact that she should be playing Aida, and not Idol.

Let's just get on with the David v. David showdown, shall we? How cool would it be to spread the finale over TWO weeks. Talk about an awesome twist. Kick off both Jason and Syesha (although I think only Jason will go), and have wet puppy noses v. the Joker become a 2 week event. I'd DVR all of it.

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