Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Just Can't Get Enough.

I love finding out about old roles of current actors. I still am was a wannabe in my present a former life, so I guess I find something so fascinating about people who've managed to navigate C-movies into fairly decent acting careers.

Case in point: Lambada, which I have never seen (dare I?) was on TV the other day. Apparently, it's such a bad movie that Comcast, it its onscreen directory described it as having a "lame plot." That's like the bus driver telling partiers at a destination that the people he just transported are lawyers. But apparently it starred Michael Scott's one-time paramour Melora Hardin! I was actually more excited at first when I thought it starred Melora Walters, the best thing about Magnolia. (And that's not faint praise, I actually love that movie. I've pulled out the "I'm quietly judging you" line a lot recently. It's handy.)

Another example: Hot Dog... the Movie!, which is so ridiculously offensive (she's supposedly 17 years old) included James Saito, who most recently was on Eli Stone, which was one of those shows like Pushing Daisies that was cancelled because ABC hates baby pandas and piglets.

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