Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol: Mary J. Is Wacky.

Last night the audition rounds continued on in Atlanta, which if you've ever been, has a fireworks display when the Braves play that takes place right beside the highway.  So you'll drive along, and then hear a sudden explosion.  Yeah.  Someone should have thought that one through a little better.  (I'm not saying Boston was necessarily planned out better -- it is after all a series of paved cowpaths with four different Washington Streets.  Seriously.)
Not much to write about here other than how utterly charming Mary J. Blige is.  She carries herself (and deservedly so) like a queen amongst plebs sometimes -- which I don't blame her -- if you have a raw voice as strong as hers, you'd be requiring three feet of personal space at all times too.  But last night, as she learned how brutal judging idiots can be, she could simply not hold back laughing at the riffraff that comes through the doors.  In her all too natural and unfiltered reactions, you could see just why people like Simon is bitter and why people like Randy must shut off all their brain cells to be able to make it through a day of "discovering" talent.  (Yah, I purposely quotationed that word.) 
Also though, if you have Mary J. laughing at you, you know you suck.
The only person I liked from last night was the Guitar Girl.  She did what she had to do to get on the show (not everyone can be hawt like Kris Allen), and she had he voice to back it up.  I like it.  I'll be rooting for her (although I feel like she's going to be the next Scooter Girl -- AI fans know what I mean).
Til next week when we visit Chicago, and we wonder why, with all the millions of dollars that Simon makes, he never has a good haircut.
P.S. The worst thing about the auditions?  When Randy says crap like "3 hundred billion gajillion percent yes!"

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