Friday, January 15, 2010

Glee Day.

I was hard on Glee in a recent post because, you know, it generally sucks. But one thing that is consistently good about it is the new arrangements of pop songs into a capella and show choir renditions. As you might know, Green Day is bringing a jukebox musical to Broadway based on their songs. Intrigued? Listen to the new Glee-ified version HERE and be effin' blown. a. way. I might have to go see this now.

Speaking of Glee, mjsbigblog, my go-to source for all things American Idol (sorry, Rickey, you kinda blow), found this neat video showing Heather Morris getting cut from AI in an earlier season. She's the dumb cheerleader who gave Sue the set list for sectionals. Jebus, you really don't need to win Idol to be successful anymore.

1 comment:

hohupjoon said...

This isn't AI, bro. This is SYTYCD? Still a good find, a good clip.