Tuesday, April 20, 2010

AI9: The Top 7 Give Back.

I'm super busy tonight, so I'm keeping it short and sweet tonight.

First things first, does Randy ever get tired of booing Simon when Simon gets introed? Also, it seems super inappropos for Big Mike to bear hug Alicia Keys like that.

Casey - Ever since he did Huey Lewis, I can't stop hearing HuLew when Casey "sings." Also, best screenshot ever was Casey's "friends" holding guitar-shaped signs reading "Casey Rocks" but accidentally obscuring the R and the top of the o so it looks like "Casey Sucks." Truer words have never been written on guitar-shaped signs.

Lee - Lee's got some tattz. Did not know that. Jebus, forgetting Lee for a sec, this song is so ridiculously good. Back to Lee - he threw on a swanky loose tie combo (a la Kris Allen singing How Sweet It Is) AND he threw in some falsetto. I like Lee's teeth. (Als0, interestingly, Lee is playing in the Kris Allen Memorial Spot. Hah.)

Tim - Does he just never cut his hair? Or sing in tune? That was awful.

Aaron - Oh, this is even more painful. Tim, you're lucky that Aaron's still flailing in this comp. Why did people cheer for that?

Siobhan - I kinda like Alicia as a mentor. What the hell is she wearing? I thought that was cheese-tastically over-the-top AWESOME. So theater. So drama. So overblown. Loves it. I read that the judges hated it, but the judges are stupid. Just listen to me, not them, because I'm an anonymous blogger on the internet. Total credibility.

Mike - Ugh. I'm sure Mike's a nice guy and all, but his whole kumbaya shtick is particularly grating on the "inspirational songs" week. I don't think that inspiration is intentional, which is why I hate people like Mike so much. The song was okay. Meh.

Crystal - She gets pimped again! How many times has she gotten to sing last? Lucky gryl. Plus, she doesn't have the stank of Lil or Danny Gokey on her neiver. I just stopped blogging for a sec, because Crystal just made me stop. No snark here. She looks amazing. Earthy, but sophisticated. Going gospel works for her. And then she is so overcome with emotion that she starts crying. DUDE. Crystal just took Lee's Moment, ripped out its little heart, chewed it like gum, and replaced the whole damn thing with her own. Crystal has her Moment, which is really the only thing she needed to secure her spot in the finals.

But then Fox epically fails. The show gets cut off by my DVR for running long. And now I bet that Glee will also be cut off by a few minutes. Thanks for being just the worst channel ever, Fox. And yes, I realize that NBC sucks.

League of her own: Crystal.
Woulda had a moment but-for Crystal: Lee.
Good enough: Siobhan, Casey.
Bottom 3: Aaron, Mike, Tim.
Going home: Aaron.

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