Friday, April 11, 2008

American Idol Top 8: Idol Gives Back

It's sort of beside the point since Michael Johns, aka grimaces-while-he-sings, got voted off. Meh. I don't see it as all that big of a loss, not that big of a shocker, and not that cruel that Seacrest pointed out that no one was voted off this time last year. I don't really have all that much sympathy for also-rans who feel entitled to a singing career after placing a whopping 8th on American Idol. Shouldn't you have to be good first?

Michael, your cravat ain't Freddy's. Learn how to sing without looking like you want to poop at the same time.

Overall, I was satisfied with the bottom 3. I'm getting ready to jump off the Brooke White wagon, too. She seems to be getting all uppity over the fact that the judges don't "get" how much she "feels" each song. How can they criticize her when she feels each song so much? HOW? Bitch, please.

Jason Castro and David Archuleta are still my boys.

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