Saturday, October 4, 2008


Adam did this ultra nerdy thing where he previewed the top ten fall films he's looking forward to. Duh. How have I not posted this yet? Well, I suppose with all the promises I've made about posting about Australia that I haven't followed through with, that's not such a surprise. Then again, I've only been at this 10 months. And we all know that blaming ineptitude on lack of experience releases you from the responsibilities of leadership.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Because Elizabeth Banks should be more famous than she is, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying watching this hidden gem of an actress as if I'm in on a cool secret.

The Brothers Bloom. Because I'm a sucker for con-men movies. And Mark Ruffalo.

Pride and Glory. Because I'm a sucker for Colin Farrell.

Australia. Because I just went there, and there's nothing but posters for the movie in all the Qantas terminals. And because Baz Luhrmann has the audacity to make a movie, and not just point a camera at pretty people speaking lines.

Revolutionary Road. Because Sam Mendes is a director I actually care about, and because Kate Winslet should have won an Oscar by now.

Doubt. Because plays rock. But also I fear the translation to screen. For example, Proof just did not have the same oomph on screen as it did in person, where intimacy is a given, and not a challenge to overcome. I didn't see The History Boys in person, but I could tell that it didn't fit on screen.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Because it looks awesome. And because some of us wish that Brad Pitt would in fact become younger again.

Twilight. Because I'm a sucker for pop culture phenomena.

Slumdog Millionaire. Because the word on the festival circuit is that this movie is awesome.

Rachel Getting Married. Because I'm intrigued by Anne Hathaway, who radiated intelligence but struck me as limited by her mannered acting... until she impressed with just a smirk in Brokeback Mountain. She's been getting all sorts of buzz for this one. And I'm a sucker for good acting.

And because they are already sort of out in theaters, I'm not going to include them in this list. But they are worth noting.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I love Michael Cera, but I'm worried that he's a one-trick pony that is going to be run into the ground before he has a chance to make it. Actors with his sense of timing are a rarity, and needs to be kept around for as long as possible.

Eagle Eye. I love B movies. The ones that do decently in theaters, although no one can remember when it was in there. The sort of movie that everyone can half-heartedly accept as a Saturday night video from Blockbuster when 6 people with wildly different tastes want to stay in. The sort of movie that will end up on endless replay on TNT, TBS, USA, FX, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, or SpikeTV. I also love Shia Laboeuf.

Julianne Moore is my favorite female actor of all time, and Mark Ruffalo is one of my top 5 male actors of all time. I wish early word on this movie were better.

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