Saturday, December 6, 2008

Arizona and Indiana Are So Awesome. In a Messed a Way.

I had to check a time zone for a city yesterday, and I came across a map similar to this one:

I know that at some point in my life, I learned that Indiana is all messed up because different noncontiguous parts of it follow different rules for time zones and daylight savings observance. Maybe it was that West Wing episode where Josh et al get stranded there during a campaign stop? Anyway, further research confirmed that, yeah, it's messed up.

So this map of Arizona intrigued me. I found out that Arizona doesn't observe daylight savings. Ok, that's not that earthshattering, what with Indiana's red-headed stepchildness. But then I learned that the portion of the Navajo nation in Arizona does observe it. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. The Hopi Reservation, which is completely enclosed by the Navajo nation (how very Lesotho of it), does not observe it. Hence that awesome donut shaped time observance.

I have literally not stopped telling everyone I pass about this since I learned it. I insist you do the same.

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