Monday, December 8, 2008

Apartment Watch: Part II.

Previously, on apartment watch.

-It's winter, and my central A/C is keeping me warm just fine. +2.

-The gym is done and it's actually not too shabby... +2.

-...but it looks nothing like what was advertised. -1.

-The roof and the patio still aren't done. -3.

-I guess it's not such a big deal because it's winter, and I'm busy with work. +1.

-While I like my apartment's location vis-a-vis the hallway, my neighbors are, um, loud... several times a week... at random hours of the day. -2.

-The washer/dryer actually does dry, but it spins so fast that everything comes out the shape of the inner tube. Still, I figured out how to make it automatically go from wash to dry (it's one of those space-saver all-in-one doodads from Bulgaria). We'll call it a draw. +0.

-The dishwasher is half the size of a normal dishwasher, so I can actually run a full load fairly frequently. This is amazing for the environmentally-conscience single person, of which I am one. +1.

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