Thursday, September 11, 2008

Phase III, Part II; or How I Moved In.

I am in Washington, DC.


It's quiet. Too quiet. My cable and internet isn't coming until Monday. Three. Days. Away. I'd forgotten (a) how many days ahead of time you need to call the cable company when moving to an actual city, and (b) how many hours in a day there are to fill when you're single, in a new city, and waiting for your job/school to start. God bless the stupid for their unsecured wireless networks.

I still can't shake the feeling I'm being snowed about my apartment. I've slept one night here. Here are the good things so far: (1) it's quiet despite facing the street, (2) it's clean, I think, and (3) move-in could not have been easier. Here are the bad things: (1) closer inspection is showing some shoddy work regarding the renovations, like massive holes in the drywall where the sink pipes come in, (2) writing on the elevator walls that mimics what is all over the internet, and (3) a rooftop deck and gym that don't look as finished as they promise.

Aargh. Thing is, I bet had I never read those internet reviews, I'd love my new place. It has everything I need. After all, once I start work, I'll be longing for a free minute, let alone an hour, each day. So really, what I need is a clean, quiet, and safe building, and that's it. I've never been picky about my past apartments. Maybe because I've always managed to find a place less expensive than I was expecting to pay, and so I was always willing to accept a few minor inconveniences... like mice or a roommate who'd fall asleep to the TV blasting at 3am. But this time, I got a place that's fairly expensive. I guess I never realized how many little things I'd notice and care about once I, you know, paid money.

Too many thoughts. This is why I need TV. To keep me nice and numb.

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