Monday, September 15, 2008


Thank peaches. I'm back online, and more importantly, I'm back with DVR.

It wasn't on my list, and yeah, I know, some people think I watch enough TV as it is, but I happened to have the TV on the CW waiting for the America's Next Top Model repeat to air, when a repeat of Privileged came on. It's about this twenty-something Yale grad who gets hired as a tutor to two rich high school-aged sisters to help them get into Duke. I watched, like, a minute of it, and then another minute, and then another, and before I knew it, I was Z-snapping at the TV screen telling Joanna Garcia to go on with her bad self.

Kill me?

But wait! It surprised me. It sounded like a retread of the Sound of Music, only sucky. But then the show made a really interesting choice -- it didn't buckle under the pressure of having feel-good-comeuppances to placate its audience. Instead, it chose to let the teenagers actually be, you know, teenagers -- self-righteous and short-sighted, but loyal -- instead of Dawson's-Creeky-hyper-clairvoyant. It was awesome.

It's DVR'd... for now.

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