Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Blankoat?

Apparently, there's a recession going on, but the makers of the Snuggie would tell you otherwise.  The blanket with sleeves has so permeated the popular consciousness, that even Republicans are enjoying them (what will the oil companies do now?).
When this idiotic product came out, I remember that a friend of mine referred to it as the Slanket (sleeves with a blanket, maybe?).  Well, it turns out they are different products.
And yet... apparently the Slanket is the Betamax to the Snuggie's VHS, i.e. superior in quality but inferior in marketing.  And furthermore, neither of them were the first -- the Freedom Blanket was (it totally was called the French Blanket)!  And apparently Iceland invested heavily into this idea -- creating the Blankoat.  No wonder their economy is tanking.

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