Sunday, April 19, 2009


Wherein I tie up some loose ends of thoughts and observations that don't merit their own blogpost (should give you an idea of the quality of stuff up ahead):


Everyone knows what "tater tots" are. (And are they ever tasty. ) But I grew up calling them "potato puffs" (western Massachusetts, boyardee!). No one I know has heard of that. But today, I actually went to Whole PaycheckFoods before noon to beat the hellish, and I really mean spawn of the devil, crowds that huddle there to shop, because heaven forefend that you buy cheese that's been aged less than 60 days. Wait... where was I going with this. Oh, right, their salad bar there had them and they called them "tater puffs." My mind was blown.


The last two covers of GQ magazine have featured Robert Pattinson and Zac Efron, respectively. I think Twilight's stoopid, and I love the Efron, but since when did GQ's target audience become 12 year old girls? And if that's the case, when did 12 year old girls start being interested in nekkid Jennifer Aniston?


I'm a fan of classical music. By the way, I hate that classical music radio stations play too much baroque music, and keep insisting that classical music is "relaxing." I get that classical music isn't for everyone, so if someone calls it "boring," I get that. But good classical music is anything but "relaxing." Really good classical music is totally energizing. For some reason, I've been listening to the arias from The Magic Flute recently. I'm sure you've heard at least this one before. FF to 2:43 to hear the famous section (and the totes ridonk high notes being homered ou' tha parque):


Speaking of the Efron, he was at the results show from American Idol last week. sends a reporter to the taping to give the inside scoop. This week's was particularly happy because it pit the Efron against Kris Allen, aka K-Sizzle, aka you might have heard that I'm a fan, in a Battle Royale of... NICENESS. Yeah, I know. My heart skipped a beat, too. Then it skipped another when it was determined (obvs) that Kris was the nicest.

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