Monday, August 17, 2009


I don't know what it says about me that my current favorite show that I'm catching up on via the magical elves at Netflix (instant streaming even!) is about a serial killer.

But Michael C. Hall is kinda incredible as Dexter, and the first season (despite one too many twists and coincidences) was sort of unbelievably written. His sister starts out as the Next Person You Want Dexter To Kill, but to her credit, she turns out to be good plucky, not totally annoying plucky. I'm glad they also decided to snuff out the whole Laguerta being attracted to Dexter thing. The only real flaw is Doakes, who is so one note. I like that he softens up around Dexter's sister, but they need to push that a bit. Anyhoo, I just finished the first ep of the second season (bril writing, if I do so stamp my approval). But there is one question I have:

These are the kick-awesome opening credits. It totally fits the show. But who flosses in the morning?


Mr. Cooper said...

Don't equivocate. Dexter is awesome. "Kick awesome", as some might put it.

And don't worry about Doakes. Just keep watching.

Amy Lynn said...

Dexter is amazing. Can't wait for S4 in September!