Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Determined Not To Sit This Out.

So a ways back, I talked about how some podcasts are helping me to not sit out on some big issues of the day. "Luckily," the big issue going on right now is the whole recession and stuff, so I sort of can't help but be on board just by listening to Planet Money (Alex Blumberg cracks me up).

I don't do as good of a job keeping up with their blog, but there have been a couple goodies recently, so herewith, I'm going to point some of them thars out.

One thing they do is have an "Indicator" which is just some number or sign out in the real world that helps contextualize the state of the economy. One of their listeners (not me) offered a tidbit about recipe websites suggesting more hot dog based foods, such as this:

Oh my God! I've totally eaten budae jjigae! Recession-schmecession. That's good eatin' (and value). Yeah Korea!

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