Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AI9: The Top 8 Guys, or How I'm Totally Unenthused.

So... this is the last. The last round before we finally get to the Top 12. When we finally think that the singers might be good. Oh, if only. When... we finally think that Kara will say something smart? BWAHAHAHAHA. Wow. This really is teh season of teh suck hard. Just give Crystal Bobby-sox the dumpy trophy that Kris got last year, some more teeth whiteners, and pictures of Tim Urban to keep her warm at night.

Well, here we go:

1. Leeeeee Dewyze. He's singing that stupid Firefly song. This is so odd, with his growl. He sings sharp. But that blue shirt does make his eyes pop. So dreamy. Did he sing a song? I can't remember. All I want to know is what dark past he's hiding. Snuh?!?! Where am I?

2. Alex Lambert. It is SO odd that his name is Lambert. Oh!!!! He's singing that song where the dog can't sleep because he's worried about his bone! PUPPIEEEEEEEZZZZ!!!! This is really good, though. And Alex is starting to grow on me. He's got the tone -- he's got the innocence -- he's almost got it. And he has dimples! He just needs to smile more!

3. Tim Urban. Take off your shirt. Take. Off. Your. Shirt. Shirt. Off. Off. So the guy who isn't the guy from the Apprentice (back when that show actually had normal people on it) is trying to pull a Jason Castro. It's pleasant enough, but this song, this Jeff Buckley song is one of the most wrenching out there. And he just doesn't have the depth to pull it off. Though, if he sang it shirtless, maybe. Ellen just gave him a hug. ROFLCOPTER. No one is immune to the shirtless wonder. Thing is, with all the notoriety of how bad he is... this might be enough to get him through to the finals.

4. Andrew Garcia. The once and future frontrunner. Now he's doing Genie in a Bottle, one of the best songs of all time. (I'm totally serious.) He's doing the same thing he always does --- takes a pop song and acoustifies it. It's just not... surprising anymore. I want him to come out and just sing a song as is. Like a bagel with nothing on it, and not toasted. This was more successful than his recent efforts, though, so good on him.

5. Casey James. Have you notice that when it sings, it tremors its head in front of the microphone. There it goes. There it goes again. It's like he has a mild muscular disorder that keeps him from keeping his head in one place. KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON! That's me being happy for him -- this was good. I give Casey a lot of crap for being ugly, but I've got to say, he's been consistently good with his acoustic-country vibe. Dare I say I like him? What'll you give me?

6. Aaron Kelly. And we're back. The the guys sucking. SO CLOSE. We had, like, 5 decent perfs, and that includes the biggest stumbling block of Tim Hotguy. But oh, this is just Lonestar minus the tone, pitch, emotion, and clear skin. That was not good at all.

7. Todrick Hall. WHOA. He's going to try and pull off a GLEE song??? With Adam Lambert lighting? And Adam Lambert squealing? Dude. I thought there was nothing worse than doing a Kelly Clarkson song on AI. I was wrong. He's doing a GLEE song. The only thing -- the only thing I like about that show -- he's doing it. Jebus. If your name isn't Adam, you can't pull off Queen (even I thought that Krissy-Poo kinda didn't fit in last year -- shock! gasp! w/e, I love Krissssss). His voice is pleasant, but it doesn't have the edge needed.

8. Michael Lynche. YIKES!!! He's singing Kate Bush!!!!!!! WOW. Okay, I might not like the guys this season, but they chose some amazing songs tonight. Kate Bush? Queen's Somebody to Love? Hallelujah? The Firefly song? The worrying puppy song? Genie in a Bottle? And now he's singing a glory note. I love this song so much. And he rocked it out. WOW. I have to give him kudos for that. That was a risk. And it paid off. I can't believe he just pulled it off.

BEST: Big Mike. By a lot. No one else is worth putting in this category.
WORST: Aaron. Tim. Todrick.
Going home: Aaron ... Todrick. Tim is going to skirt through on the strength of Ellen's hug -- the hug that transcended sexuality itself.

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