Monday, July 14, 2008

Dr. Horrible!

I like to think that I'm on top of pop culture crap--sort of like the only thing of social value I contribute to the lives of my friends, who are off doing, you know, actually meaningful stuff. But I totally missed this (BIG thank you to Reva).

I heart Buffy. I heart Angel. I heart Firefly and Serenity. I'm geeked out over Dollhouse. And NPH is all sorts of awesome playing himself, kicking Rachel Ray's ass, or being Barney. Now Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? Awe. Some.

If I almost missed it, there might be other dorks out there who don't yet know about it. God save them.

1 comment:

Reva said...

I've decided to wait until all three parts are online, because I know I'll want to watch it all at once. Also, I really can't justify watching part I right now when I really need to outline my outline of wills. God, my life is so sad.