Thursday, July 31, 2008

Non-Live Live Blogging the Bar Exam: Day 1, Afternoon

1:15pm. They fail to mention that we will not have access to the testing hall during the lunch break. But that's where the bathrooms are. That's. Where. The. Bathrooms. Are.

1:20pm. Doors open. There are girls that are racing to the can. I mean throwing-toddlers-overboard pushing people out of the way to be first in line. So glad my gender can pee in under 20 seconds.

1:30pm. My deskmate comes back at the last minute. For a second there I thought she chickened out after the morning session. [Editor's note: Turns out about 20 people did in fact bail.]

1:31pm. The head proctor announces that someone complained of a beeping coming from sections 21 or 22. We can't start until that's resolved. And that's the sound of a thousand law students hating you.

1:32pm. This time I race through filling in the identification bubbles. I've learned my lesson. Don't follow along with the proctor when it's obvious what to do. Yeah, I was that kid in 7th grade. Now look where I am -- a lawyer!

3:15pm. It's halfway through the afternoon session. Full bladder. It's now or never I suppose. How do I do this? I have to raise my hand to signal the proctor to come over to me, but I don't want to waste anytime. I can squeeze out another question while I'm waiting. Ooh... "squeeze" is so the wrong word to think right now. But I can't do that with one hand in the air. Maybe if I sort of flutter my arm every once in a while she'll notice, and I can still sort of take the test. Such a pointless dilemma.

3:30pm. Hmm... mechanical pencil girl seems to be struggling a bit with the real pencil. Sucka.

3:45pm. HOLY CRAP. Someone just turned in their exam. That's a full hour ahead of schedule.

3:50pm. Ok. Another girl just got up. I think it's the same one who left early this morning. I ain't impressed, honey. Ok. Maybe a little bit.

4:00pm. Where the hell is everyone going? Either this is the easiest test in the world or the hardest. I can't tell. They all seem to have that vague dazed-sort-of-happy-but-really-miserable-what-have-I-done look on their faces. But every law student has that look on their face. Thank you! I'm here all night.

4:40pm. I changed two answers. [Editor's note: I had to check this when I got home. Sure enough, neither my first guess nor my second guess were correct. Lovely.]

5:00pm. I'm on the T [the subway] home, and these two sort of pudgy ladies sit next to me, and pull out today's sudoku. They suck at it. Yeah, I'm a major sudoku snob. Comes with being really awesome at it. Note to self: Lead with this fact at next week's speeddating event.

5:10pm. Pudgy lady #1 just complained about sand in her lungs... from last Saturday. It's Wednesday today.

5:15pm. #1 again. She shows off her new flip-flops to pudgy lady #2. Apparently they are not nice enough for "going out," but they are nice enough to "wear to work." What?

5:20pm. Pudgy lady #2 recounts a story of a sweaty man who sat down next to her on the T last week. It had been a really hot day. Summer and all. She was grossed out by it. Really? Because the snowstorm in your hair (and your odor, in which you have no privacy right but I wish you did) gives you license to criticize?

5:21pm. Wow. I'm really judgmental today.

5:25pm. Woman gets on at the Harvard stop. She pulls out Anne Enright's Man Booker prize winning novel The Gathering. Touche, Harvard.

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