Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Non-Live Live Blogging the Bar Exam: Day 1, Morning.

[Times are approximate. What do you want? We're not allowed to use computers for the bar exam.]

4:00am. I wake up because I have to pee. And because I'm scared. Not a good sign.

5:55am. Still awake. My alarm is set for 6am. I switch it to 6:10am. I was going to snooze once anyway.

6:10am. Didn't sleep anyway. Great. I only got 4 hours of sleep before the most important test of my life.

7:00am. Stuffing myself with carbs because I don't know how long it will be before I eat again. I buckle and have a sip of coffee. I hope I don't have to pee during the exam.

7:45am. I realize that the hoodie I brought for layering in case the room is cold is actually prohibited because of the potential for covering my head. Luckily I have another shirt in my car. I wonder how strict they're going to be about the dumb rules.

8:15am. Hmm... We did a practice run a month ago, but I decided to take a different path from the subway to the test site. Not smart. Oh, good, he looks like he knows where he's going.

8:20am. Dude, I'm going to the same place you are. I'm not sure why you're running ahead faster than me.

8:30am. Big crowd. No one's been let in yet even though 8:30 is the start time. We were advised to arrive early to be able to use the bathrooms before they start spouting the same standardized test instructions mantra we all know and love. I know the bathrooms are tiny in this place. This'll be interesting.

8:35am. I'm in Section 15. Crap. I'm equidistant from the two bathrooms. This means I'll have to use a maximum amount of time if I need to take a break in the middle of the exam. You win this time people with last names that start with Z or A.

8:40am. Ever since Scantron sheets have required filling in the "empty bubble" below every space you don't use for your name (my full name has very few letters in it), I've had to spend just as much time as everyone else filling those things out. The proctors should know that. Why are they speeding through the longest portion of the intro? STRESS.

8:50am. Where do proctors come from? They're always old. And they always use analog clocks. That's not a good combination for timed tests.

9:00am. Wow. Those girls just got busted for trying to use mechanical pencils. Those were specifically prohibited. I guess they are taking the dumb rules seriously.

9:07am. Begin! Hmm... question 1... uh... um... ok, that wasn't so bad.

9:09am. Question 2... skip.

9:11am. Question 3... skip.

9:13am. Question 4... ... ... crap.

10:30am. This is way harder than Bar/Bri. And the characters in the questions don't have cool names like Poteet.

10:46am. There are some really attractive people in here. Not too shabby Massachusetts. Not too shabby.

11:15am. 45 minutes to go in this morning session and someone already finished. Gunner. I hate you.

12:07pm. End of session 1. Time to cry. And for lunch. And to pee. Not necessarily in that order.

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