Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yikes. Another One! And Yup, It's About the Bar.

At this point, I'm basically impeaching myself by admitting that I remembered another dream last night.

I'm at some restaurant. I'm on my way out when I decide that I actually need to go to the bathroom, so I turn back into the restaurant. The bathroom is down a bunch of stairs, which I apparently could have reach via the same stairway to the exit, but oh well, it's a dream. I go down the stairs--and there are a lot--and end up in a waiting room with a crowd of people. There's a men's room, a women's room, and a unisex bathroom, which has been taken over by women changing out of costumes. (Remember: Dream.) I go over to the men's room, which is behind a big metal door--like the ones that protect bank vaults--and there are these two women trying to peek inside, which doesn't make sense because there was no window on the door.

I go into the bathroom, and I think there was some argument between me and the women, and so one of them slams the door on me and hits me with it. I, of course, realize that this is a battery, and I start yelling at her that this is so. She ignores me or something like that. So I go and get a bouncer, and tell him that I don't want to actually throw her out, but that I just want to play a trick on her. So he agrees to pretend to kick her out making her think that she won't be able to sit for the bar exam. (Again, it's a dream.)

It turns out, she's blind, and she's already failed the bar a couple of times. So I just end up feeling bad.

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