Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm a Published Author. 25 Times Over.

During law school, I was on law review, which destroyed my social life, but in return let me publish an article I wrote. See, law review is basically an organization (dare I say THE organization?) that rounds up all the top students in the law school based on grades, writing, stunning good looks, and in my case, a deal with the devil, and then has them edit and publish legal articles written by much smarter people like professors, practitioners, and judges, so that they have no time to study anymore and continue to be the top students. (Even the pretty people get fat and ugly sitting around checking whether a period is properly italicized in a footnote at 2am on a Friday night. I'm not kidding.)

To sweeten the "deal," our law review gives members the opportunity to publish, which is sort of a big deal in the legal community. Think Beyonce letting Michelle or Kelly speak at a Destiny's Child news conference. And, as part of the whole she-bang, I get my ve-wee own free copy of the issue of the journal in which my article appears... and 25 reprints of the article itself. 25. Twenty-five.

So, that's one to my parents... and one to each of my 24 other sets of parents. Phew! I'm so glad they have me covered.

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