Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Adventures in Car Insurance: Part 2.

I called GEICO today to cancel my policy. I hate calling corporations to cancel things. I'm always suspicious that they will try and do something, anything, to overcome my weak will and keep me as a customer. Credit cards do it. Gyms do it (remember the Friends episode?). Cell phones do it. It's not a far stretch to think that insurance companies will do the same.

Turns out, it's not GEICO that was the headache, but rather my states of transfer. North Carolina requires cancellations of policy to be in writing, and Massachusetts -- well, they seem to be the holy water that sears the skin of car insurance providers. Lucky me! I'm crossing my fingers, because despite the red tape, I'm making progress towards finishing this little sojourn into middle class adulthood. Like I said, I'm just passing the time until I grow up.

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