Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 2 of Personal Training: No Puke... Again!

Just a phenomenal effort from all parties, but with special mention to me, for not even coming close to wanting to puke. Granted, this personal training session was only 30 minutes, rather than 45 minutes like the first session, but I still count it as a win.

As a "warm-up," my trainer had me run up and down a set of stairs 3 times. The stair were about -- oh -- 3 flights worth? Maybe a little less? I could handle that part, but what I couldn't handle was the idea of going down the stairs with my body oriented forward. Instead, I kept wanting to side-step it, you know, sort of angling my body to the left so that more of my foot would land on each stair. I think it comes from me not wanting to die.

Fast-forward to the middle of my workout(!), where I'm doing a set(!) with dumbbells(!), a woman comes over and starts sassing me for being scrawny. Good thing it's true, otherwise I'd have punched her in the face. Turns out, she was a former client of my trainer who used to be fat and who was apparently almost 70 years old. There's no way to bloggily do this justice, but she looked like she was in her late-40's. And without any Demi-Moore-ing it, either. This isn't faint praise--it's like personal training really works(!).

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