Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Loose Ends.

I'd been meaning to write some follow-ups so here goes. I know, I know, it's like waiting for the last episode of Lost or Battlestar Galactica around here (the latter being far, far, far, far, far, far superior).

1. Firefox v.3 doesn't get along with Skype. I've changed 3 things since the displeasure of June 18. First, I reduced the cache. Second, I limited the number of backtrack pages. And third, I got rid of a Skype installation, which I had recently installed in v.2. So far--knock on wood--I've been able to reset the cache with no crashing. Hopefully, I can reset the number of backtrack pages. It's my guess that Skype and v.3 don't get along.

2. In much more important news, I just came back from WALL-E. It's good. Boy howdy.

3. In slightly less important news, I finished reading A Confederacy of Dunces, which I had tried to read 4 or 5 years ago because it was a "cool" book to read. I picked it up again because I'm working my way through the Pulitzers. You know how Greek comedies aren't all that funny? Sort of like that, but with more farting. Seriously.

4. The Dunkin Donuts flavor trial is all done. Herewith:

Raspberry: B. Surprisingly better than blueberry. Maybe it's because I think raspberry is a more distinctive flavor and so it can hold its own better, or maybe I'm just being silly.

Toasted Almond: C. Completely irrelevant. Take that two-worded-flavor. You think you're so special because you're toasted. Who wouldn't be? Minus points for trying too hard.

Hazelnut: B+. Classic! This is the only way I can get my hazelnut fix. I'm allergic to them. Yup, that means no Nutella, either.

Caramel: C+. I can't remember what this tasted like. I'm guessing caramel.

5. "Sackbut" is a real word.

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