Tuesday, May 5, 2009

American Idol 8: The Top 4 Slash Something.

Did I hear someone say live-blog? No? Good. Because I'm watching it live, but I'm only starting to blog now, at 8:15.

It occurred to me that by Adam Lambert going first on rock week, TPTB can quell the criticism that Adam has never gone first (which is widely known as a disadvantage) but without really hurting him since everyone is expecting him to glam it out tonight. Which he did, bien sur. I do love that Slash called Adam out on doing too much in his higher register.

I'm sort of amazed out how chillaxed but normal Slash is. Does he go by Slash on a regular everyday basis? Like when he makes a dinner reservation?

Oooh, Allison Iraheta's lipstick is ridick. She went with Adam's hairdresser? Oh, gf is learning how awesome it can be to have a gay bf. Hmm, Paula gave one of her non-compliments. Allison is ripping Simon a new one. She can totally get away with it.

Oh, man, Kris Allen got sandbagged with Evil Gokey for his DUET. That sucks. I'll have to find a way to enjoy this somehow. Evil looks like he's not trying at all. This is gonna be a rough week for K-Sizz. The tone of his voice is just too smooth to go with rock. It's like he needs to spend an hour screaming to tear up his cords before he sings. Gokey is totally seething that he has to share the spotlight. It's okay, because Simon did his thing by chopping up Kris into teeny bits for Gokey to stomp all over. Kris seems sort of bummed about something. Yeah, overall, the duet is a terrible idea. They're supposed to be in competition with each other. This seems to be a concession that the competition aspect of the show is moot. Woop de doo.

Have you noticed that Ryan always touches Kris whenever he interacts?

Simon is on full-on steamroll over Kris mode. Look, seriously, Ryan won't stop touching Kris. Where's his other hand?

Ah, so now Evil is going next, which means that Adam still gets to go last. Sigh. This doesn't make sense. So Kris had to go twice in a row. While everyone else gets a longer rest. TPTB really don't want him to make it.

Evil's under the pitch. Come ON Kara. I'm not a vocalist, but I am a musician, and he's flat. And that scream! OMG YOUTUBE WORTHY FAIL. But he's getting some crazy applause. I hate tonight's show. Now, even though Evil sucked, they are all being nice. This isn't Kris's genre either, but they farted on him. Sat on his head and farted on him. Everything that's wrong with this season is encapsulated in tonight's episode. And now, Evil is saying he doesn't think he sucked. He's getting all uppity. Bottom three-less? Yeah, more like goodness-less.

Wow. Those pants are so painted on Adam. Gross. Allison sounds amazing. See and then they hugged it out afterwards. Evil totally was giving off don't hug me vibes to Kris. And Kris HUGS EVERYONE. Simon just said that he thinks Allison is safe because of Adam. So basically, he wants Kris off the show.

They are using Evil's scream for his playback!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT. That's like the only saving grace of this entire debacle.

Bottom two? Krallison.
Should be? Krevil.
Going home? Allison. Maybe *shudder* Kris. (I... I... can't bear the thought.)
Should be? Evil.

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