Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Live Like You Like Kris Allen.

I haven't talked about k-sizzle and his kick-awesomeness in a while. Here's what's new:

On Monday, his first single came out:

It's a cover of a no-name band's b-side. Some peeps are upset that his first album isn't "Allenized" like Heartless or She Works Hard for the Money were. Screw them! It's not like he's covering U2 or Bob Dylan or the Beatles. He's covering a band who hasn't broken into the U.S. market and who didn't even release the song. So... yeah. Also, given that this is the first album -- which, unless you are Carrie Underwood, always blows chunks for Idol contestants, just singing a good ol' pop song is friggin' sweet.

Krissy Poo also held a Twitter party where he answer some fun questions. Although he isn't perfect, he has f'ed up dreams like the best of us and likes pumpkin.

And finally, he and Jim Cantiello are adorable:

Jim calls Kris tiny. Kris zings Michael Slezak and calls out the Lam-skanks. Not in that order. Perfection.

1 comment:

Mr. Cooper said...

Didn't Tim McGraw already do this song like 3 years ago?