Thursday, September 10, 2009

Top Chef Vegas: Frenchies Partout.

This week's ep of Top Chef didn't have an awesome Padma-3-snap-put-down, but it was still fun.

First, the sexual tension between Jennifer and Brother #1 is like in overboard drive. We're talking, like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan hot, only with hot people.

Second, douchey-Mike is soooooo deluded if he thinks he's part of the top 4 that is Jennifer, Brother #1, Brother #2, and _____. Could he be more "hey guys! what's happening? i'm cool too because i hang out with you!"

Third, I take back some (but not all) of the crap I dished out at Ashley. She could have thrown Mattin under the bus in retaliation for Mattin, you know, chucking her there (DUDE VOUS ETES SUR LA TELE -- WE SAW YOU NIX THE ASPARAGUS). To Tom Colicchio's credit, he totally sensed what was happening and pointed out to the other judges that Mattin parled a fib. This is why Tom and Padma make such a good pair. They see all, and they hold the chefs accountable.

The only thing I don't like about this season is that there seems to be SUCH a clear divide between the eloi and the morloks. Ice Queen, the brothers aren't twins, and the Southern dude with a complex about being southern are clearly better than everyone else. I like snarky horn-rimmed glasses guy, for comic relief, but that's about it. Everyone else sucks! We gotta get some more ups and downs coming, otherwise I'm going to be bored until the top 5 or so.

1 comment:

Hoheup said...

Did you just make a Time Machine reference? Admit it: did you get it by watching the movie, or reading the book?