Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some More Gut Reactions.

Melrose Place
Ashlee Simpson did not die in the first episode... Minus points.
Everyone is put in a morally compromising situation... Even.
The girl from Battlestar Galactica: Razor is on it... Bonus points.
Verdict: Remains as a series-recording on the DVR, but I've already noticed that I put off watching it, so its continued presence in my life is on the brink.

The Beautiful Life: TBL
Shot in that weird way where the vocal track seems slightly out of synch with the video... Minus.
Not enough catfighting among the models... Minus.
Corbin Bleu is no Zacquisha... Minus (but what did you expect?)
And Marisa is great as the bitch... Bonus.
Verdict: Already bumped from my DVR list. Remains to be seen if I ever bother catching up on the interwebs.

The jokes come so fast, it's almost hard to keep up... Even.
Love the Asperger's guy... Bonus.
Sassy black woman is appropriately sassy... Bonus.
Chevy Chase is actually funny... Bonus.
Verdict: Not just DVR'd -- it's prioritized near the top of the list.

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