Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Vampire Diaries: So Sucked In.

Dear Diary,

I'm twenty-eight something years old, so it'd be nice if I could stop being addicted to teen-based shows. My days obsessing over the heyday of the WB (remember when Katie Holmes was normal?) were fun and all, but I'm an adult now. And I was making real progress because I don't watch Gossip Girl, I wouldn't (and didn't) touch 90210 with a 10-foot pole, and I think that Twilight is just the worst possible thing in the world. I mean, just really, really terrible -- what with the sparkles and the... sparkles. (After they killed off Cam Gigandet, I was so done with it.)

So now comes The Vampire Diaries, which, smart peeps, we all know came before the dreck that is Twilight (seriously - sparkles?). And yeah, it seems that with True Blood, Twilight, and now this, whichever more-clever-than-I pop culture couch commentator said "it's got vampires in it? just stick it in my eyes!" was sort of on the ball. But the thing is: it's kick-awesome, just as I hoped.

First and foremost, Kevin Williamson, of Dawson's Creek gen-yoos and Scream brils, is behind the wheel. No one does teen angst like he does -- except maybe Greg Berlanti -- no wait, Kevin does it better... or maybe Greg. At least K.Will does precocious banter and irony better for sure -- the best friend who jokes about being psychic and then is? How Whoopi Goldberg!

Second, they dipped way back into the Everwood well and plucked out Steven R. McQueen, who is genetically composed of puppy dogs and napping bunny rabbits. He plays the brother who is trying to be a rebel, and is just cuddly-wuddly cute, complete with a wet nose, trying to do just that. He reminds me of my little brother. Heh.

Third, there is a non-vampire descendant of Stefan in the mix -- holding down the fort. I'm fascinated by that little thread.

Fourth, the actors are all messed up in the ages! The actor who plays Elena is younger than Steven R. Babylioncub, but Elena is the older sister. And other than a couple of the actors, everyone is in their mid-twenties. Sigh, I love teen soap casting.

And finally, there are some good ol' vampire rules that are back in place (no thanks to Twilight's dumbing down of the legends). Sun is bad? Check. Must be invited into the house? Check. Good at brooding? Duh. That one's always around.

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