Thursday, February 26, 2009

American Idol 8: The Second 3 Finalists, aka HOLY S***!


After some hemming and hawing, I thought that the AI machinery was going to prevail, and Megan would make it through (side note: Megan has the same bone structure as Cruella De Vil - it's not a diss, it's a fact). Little did I know that grassroots stuff isn't just for presidential elections. I'm still sort of in disbelief that my boy made it through, and from the looks of his reaction, I think he was sort of in disbelief, too.

That third slot was really up for grabs, moreso than I thought -- and so much so that no amount of pimping could over take it. Checking out the interwebs after the show, Allison was a shoe-in. Screamy McGuyliner was in easily -- but he's starting to get as much backlash as Gokey is getting, so who knows how long he'll last in the finals. But I was sensing equal buzz for Megan, Matt G., and Kris. That being said, Kris was consistently getting written up as "should advance" vs. Megan and Matt G. getting written up as "will advance."

Also, I noticed that just as Anoop was paired with Michael S. in the results show last week to up the drama, so, too, was Megan paired with Kris because she was probably fourth.

So McGuyliner of course made it (the judges even tried to pull a Tatiana v. Gokey type thing with him and Normund). And Allison, the "Vaguely Ethnic Kelly Clarkson" made it.

Matt G. "The 'G' is for my last name not GOAT" and Megan have a good chance of getting Wild Card slots, especially Megan since the judges will be inclined to even out the boy-girl ratio. So no worries there. Anoop and Ricky Braddy's chances dwindle ever so slightly with another third slot going to a boy, and Ann Marie's chances go up.

WOOT! I'm actually kinda jazzed with this season -- despite the clear cut producers' favoritism, we've had no fewer than 3 out of 6 finalists come out of the land of No-Early-Round-Screen-Time. In honor of Jason Castro, the patron saint of said contestants, enjoy a little more kick-awesomeness from Kris:

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