Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Buck Stopped.

I'm too lazy to link to stuff properly.  So just take it from me when you read this entry five years from now that President Obama has been having issues with getting his cabinet appointees confirmed.  Oh, you know, because they don't pay taxes properly.  (Honestly, who does?  The tax code is friggin' nutso.)

But what's amazing is that Obama has said flat out: "I screwed up."  Gone are the days of "mistakes were made" and other passive-voice horrors.  I can't believe that a politician in this age of media soundbites would actually take responsibility for an error, let alone one that really isn't his fault so much as it is the fault of the ones being appointed.

I'm not saying that this makes him a good president necessarily.  Duh, of course I'd prefer a president who never needs to apologize for a screw-up.  But, setting aside that fantasy along with flying pigs and Colin Farrell knocking on my door to say hi, I think it shows a depth of character that is all too rare amongst our public figures.  

It's a little thing, but it means a lot to me.

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